(502) 267-6419
9610 Taylorsville Rd.
Louisville, KY 40299


How Much Does a Dental Bridge Cost?

When it comes to replacing the missing teeth in your child, dental bridges are one of the most common solutions. Typically, what scares parents is the cost of a dental bridge. Yes, a dental bridge procedure could be a little expensive but there are ways by which you can cut [...]

By |2024-12-09T12:08:41-05:00September 30th, 2021|Dental|

What You Need to Know About Your Child’s Dental Crown Procedure

Baby teeth all fall out eventually, but that doesn’t mean taking care of them doesn’t matter. Children need proper dental care, and often, that includes a crown procedure. Baby teeth are the backbone for future permanent teeth since your child's future dental health depends on them. Therefore, if there [...]

By |2024-09-18T12:55:41-04:00December 28th, 2020|Dental|
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