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Most children begin losing their baby teeth between 4 and 6 years of age and are finished losing them between the ages of 11 and 13.
About every 6 months, this goes for children especially in their early years because we’re building healthy dental habits and getting them familiar with going to the dentist.
A sealant is a material placed on the surfaces of permanent teeth to fill in the deep pits and fissures on these teeth to prevent food and liquid exposure and create a smooth surface that is easier to clean. These can significantly reduce the chance of tooth decay.
Generally speaking, all baby teeth need to be restored if cavities are present. Unless, the tooth is going to fall out within 6 to 9 months. However, this needs to be verified by your dentist using dental x-rays since there’s a wide variation when kids lose their teeth.
Most active orthodontics (teeth straightening) doesn’t occur until you have a significant number of permanent teeth present. Although some early intervention bite correction can occur, this should always be discussed with your dentist.
Whether it’s a fractured tooth or a tooth that’s been lost, place the tooth or the piece of tooth in a small glass of milk and contact your dentist immediately.
Between the ages of 1 and 2 is a good time to bring them in for their first appointment. During this visit, Dr. Kemper will do an initial oral exam and answer any questions the parent may have. Visit our First Visit page where we detail out exactly how that day will happen.
Parents should generally be trying to get the child off the bottle or breast feeding at night as soon as teeth begin erupting.
A rule of thumb is that we don’t generally start whitening teeth until a child has a full set of permanent teeth. If you begin too early and don’t bleach all of the teeth at the same time, you can end up with multiple shades of white at the same time.
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Let your child & their smile grow up with Dr. Kemper.