What To Expect
Schedule Appointment
Your baby is growing up and has a few new teeth! It’s time to call & schedule an appointment. Be sure to indicate that this is your child’s first ever dentist visit.
Appointment Day
Your child is about to have their first visit! On the day of the appointment, you will be greeted at the front desk and a parent will need to fill out a few “new patient” forms.
Dental Exam
You will accompany your child to the exam room where Dr. Kemper will examine how many baby teeth have broken though and how many are still yet to come.
Q & A Session
After the initial oral exam, Dr. Kemper will go over tooth brushing, diet, and a time table for any unerupted baby teeth, as well as answer any questions you may have.
Future Appointments
Dr. Kemper will let you know when to return for the next appointment. At that visit and future visits, we ask that parents remain in the waiting room during appointments.
Emergency Care
If your child trips & falls or suffers an injury where a tooth is damaged or falls out, we offer 24/7 emergency dental care. Please call our office first & Dr. Kemper will be glad to help.
Frequently Asked Questions
Check out our FAQs to find answers to your burning questions!
About every 6 months. This goes for children especially in their early years, because we’re building healthy dental habits and getting them familiar with going to the dentist.
Most children begin losing their baby teeth between 4 and 6 years of age and are finished losing them between the ages of 11 and 13.
Generally speaking, all baby teeth need to be restored if cavities are present. Unless, the tooth is going to fall out within 6 to 9 months. However, this needs to be verified by your dentist using dental x-rays since there’s a wide variation amoung when kids lose their teeth.
Parent Trusted. Kid Approved.
Let your child & their smile grow up with Dr. Kemper.